

14 October 2021

Report of the Corporate Director, People

Portfolio of the Executive Member for Children and Education


School Capital Works at Manor CE Academy to Accommodate the Expected Demand for Pupil Places in the West of York by September 2022



1.        The report provides details about the capital work needed to create additional accommodation to fulfil an expected temporary 3-year demand for pupil places in the west of York’s Secondary Planning Area (SPA).


2.        The Executive is asked to consider:

1)   Approval of Option 3, that is funding of £1.1m from the Basic Needs Fund (with a proportion to be recouped from S106 monies in relation to the Civil Service housing development) for capital works to create additional teaching and circulation space at Manor CE Academy by grant agreement to Hope Sentamu Learning Trust and to delegate authority to the Assistant Director, Education and Skills in consultation with the Director of Governance (or her delegated officers) to take such steps as are necessary to enter into the resulting grant agreement.

2)    Reason: to create the space needed to fulfil the expected demand for a temporary 3-year bulge of pupil places in the SPA West area (excluding the Millthorpe catchment area) by September 2022. 



3.        As shown in the tables below, the demand for pupil places in the west of York is expected to increase by September 2022.  The increased demand in SPA West is also shown in the tables below.  The advice set out in the Department for Education guidance, ‘Making Significant Changes to an Open Academy and Closure by Mutual Agreement’ states, “We expect academy trusts to only propose to create additional places in academies that have an overall Ofsted rating of ‘good’ or ‘outstanding.’” 


4.        Manor CE Academy has a current Ofsted rating of ‘outstanding,’ and for this reason, as well as in anticipation of the expected additional pupil yield from housing developments at the Civil Service and British Sugar sites, it is proposed that additional places be provided at Manor CE Academy.


5.        It is forecast that the growth in the expected demand for places within the area will produce a temporary 3-year bulge.  Current data suggests this may need to be phase 1 of a potential 2-phase scheme to increase places at this school. 


6.        Pupil yield from the British Sugar site, located in the Manor CE Academy priority area, is expected to further increase the demand for pupil places within the west of York.  If required, the necessity for the creation of spaces in phase 2 will be discussed in detail in a future paper.

7.        The published forecast for SPA West January 2020:


Admissions Year




Year 7 Demand




Year 7 Places




Surplus / (Deficit)





8.         The updated forecast for SPA West from the unpublished September 2020 SCAP shows we are still expecting a deficit of places in this area from 2022/23 for 3 years.


Admissions Year




Year 7 Demand




Year 7 Places




Surplus / (Deficit)





9.        The published forecast for SPA West January 2021:


Admissions Year




Year 7 Demand




Year 7 Places




Surplus / (Deficit)





10.    September 2020 forecast number of additional places required by area:





Millthorpe Catchment




SPA West (Excluding Millthorpe Catchment)









Millthorpe Catchment




SPA West (Excluding Millthorpe Catchment)




11.    January 2021 forecast number of additional places required by area:


12.       Due to the unprecedented events of both the global pandemic and Brexit, changes have been seen in admissions allocation data and trends this year.  Data from both 2020 and 2021 forecasts have therefore been included as it is impossible to say if or when trends will revert back to what had previously been expected and subsequently how many places will be required 2 to 3 years from now.


12. The Local Authority has been working closely with Manor CE Academy and the Hope Sentamu Learning Trust to discuss the school’s existing difficulties in accommodating pupil numbers in a building originally constructed for a maximum of 900 pupils.  The proposed capital works would allow safe circulation and movement of pupils and staff throughout all areas of the school.


13.   Option 1


14.    Do nothing


15.    It would not be possible to meet the needs of the pupils and staff in the current building, therefore doing nothing cannot be a recommendation.


16.    Option 2


17.    Creation of additional teaching accommodation only


18.    Manor CE Academy was originally built to accommodate 900 pupils.  At present, the school has 1,140 pupils.  These additional pupils have been accommodated by increasing class sizes to 32 and by adapting smaller areas for curriculum teaching use. 


19.    The circulation areas around the building are at a critical point where no more small adaptations can be made and any additional increases to the numbers of pupils and staff impacts directly upon safe circulation around the building.  


20.    An additional classroom at Manor CE Academy fulfils the demand within SPA West, (excluding Millthorpe School’s catchment) for the temporary 3-year bulge beginning in September 2022.


21.    Current site trajectories suggest that by 2025/26, the Civil Service development will be complete, with the British Sugar housing development forecast to commence a year later, creating a permanent demand for pupil places in SPA West. These housing developments are located within Manor CE Academy’s priority admissions area. Historical data shows the 3-year weighted average percentage for 1st preferences from children living in this priority area is 79%. It is expected that the majority of 1st preferences from this development will also be for Manor CE Academy.  The proximity of this development to the school could mean the percentage of 1st preferences will be higher still.  The additional classroom created for the temporary 3-year bulge would become a permanent classroom once the demand for places begins to come through from the Civil Service housing development, and in the future, the British Sugar housing development.


22.    Option 3


23.   Creation of additional teaching and circulation space


This option creates the same teaching facilities as option 2, however it will also address the severe pressures on circulation spaces. This impacts on safety and behaviour within school due to the number of pupils moving around the building, crush-point areas, toileting, lunchtime periods, intervention and break out provision and class cross-over periods.   




24.     Option 1


25.    Do Nothing


26.    It is not possible to accommodate any more pupils at Manor CE Academy without addressing issues of health and safety caused by the increasing movement of large numbers of people in a building not designed for more than 900 pupils and associated staff. 


27.   Option 2


28.    Creation of additional teaching accommodation only


29.    Additional teaching accommodation would fulfil the SPA West area’s (excluding Millthorpe School’s catchment) temporary 3-year bulge curriculum requirement, but would not resolve the existing issue of circulation space, which would be compounded by additional pupils.


30.    Option 3


31.    Additional teaching and circulation space


32.    In order to ensure the safe movement of pupils and staff during lunchtime periods, it is proposed to infill the area called the ‘Rotunda’ at the school and for this existing external and unused area to become an internal, roofed space.  This will resolve the issue of the lack of dining and circulation space.  Pupils and catering staff will no longer need to carry hot food up stairs, as the first floor servery will be able to provide the full menu due to the installation of a dumb waiter.


33.    The servery area will be adapted to enable a better queueing and paying system.  The first floor servery will be re -positioned next to the new dumb waiter to allow catering staff to transfer food between ground and upper floors without using a staircase or the lift.  


34.    Opening up this rotunda area will eliminate circulation crush-points, enable pupils to congregate safely and allow the queue for both serveries to keep moving. It will create space for essential additional seating that will allow staff to better supervise pupils.  It will also provide an additional staircase, critical for resolving fire egress issues that have developed due to the greater numbers of pupils and staff moving around the building.


35.    Resolving these dining and circulation issues by September 2022 will resolve the existing pressures that will made worse by the expected temporary 3-year demand for pupil places. It will also create the space needed if the yield from the Civil Service and British Sugar housing developments results in a need for further additional places at Manor CE Academy. If required, this will be addressed as part of a potential phase 2 scheme.


36.    Resolving these particular circulation issues by September 2022 has been anticipated and referenced in the S106 agreements from future housing developments.


37.    Pressures currently being experienced throughout the construction industry means it is far better to resolve these circulation issues now rather than delaying as it will risk further increases in prices for critical materials, such as steel.



38.    Implications


39.    This former Civil Service site is ST2 in the Local Plan.  Work will need to take place during the summer term and holiday periods in 2022.  The proposal is being developed and is estimated to cost approximately £1,100,000.   S106 funding of £899,592 (index linked) has already been identified and requested in anticipation of the Civil Service housing development.  This S106 funding is linked to an anticipated need to infill the rotunda area of the school.  This will significantly reduce the contribution of Basic Need funding required.


40.    Currently, it is anticipated that the housing developments will begin at the Civil Service site during 2022/2023.  The first payment of approximately £783,130 is expected before the occupation of 50 dwellings at the site.


Risk Management


41.    Manor CE Academy is best placed to meet the requirement for additional pupils within the SPA West area (excluding Millthorpe catchment). Failure to secure these places could result in the Local Authority not meeting its statutory duty to secure sufficient secondary school places for the children in York.


42.    The works will be carried out during the summer term and summer holiday in 2022.  Work must be carried out while pupils are not on site and must be completed on time.  An early decision on funding is therefore needed to ensure the timescales can be met.


43.    Due to a lack of supply and an increase in demand, the cost of some materials has risen.  Once the supply of materials recovers, the increased costs for materials are unlikely to reduce.


44.    As a result of the market conditions and the increasing pressures on building and construction, a substantial contingency has been included within the budget estimate for this scheme.


Council Plan


Well paid jobs and an inclusive economy


45.    Additional pupils would receive a place at an outstanding school.


A greener and cleaner city  


46.    The adaptations at Manor CE Academy will be created using the existing footprint.


Getting around sustainably


47.    A travel plan will be devised to scrutinise the movement of people and vehicles and to develop ideas to resolve this.  This will be provided alongside the planning application.


A better start for children and young people


48. The spaces being created at Manor CE Academy will provide the pupil places needed to fulfil the expected, forecasted demand within the SPA West area (excluding Millthorpe catchment).



49.    Section 13 of the Education Act 1996 imposes a duty on the council as local education authority to “contribute towards the spiritual, moral, mental and physical development of the community by securing that efficient primary, secondary and further education are available to meet the needs of the population in their area.” Section 14 of the Act expands on this duty by requiring the council to secure sufficient schools in “number, character and equipment” to provide all pupils with appropriate education.


50.    The school site is currently leased to Hope Sentamu Learning Trust for 125 years from 1 April 2011.  Officers will work closely with Legal Services to identify whether there are any implications for the lease associated with the building works and ensure any risks arising from such implications are mitigated as much as possible.


51.    Any proposed works will need to be commissioned via a compliant procurement route under the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. The value of the works outlined above falls significantly below the relevant threshold for the procurement of works under the Regulations (i.e. £4,733,252), therefore a full procurement exercise under the Regulations will not be required in this instance. However, a competitive process for quotations will still need to be advertised and run under the Contract Procedure Rules.


52.    It is understood the funding for the construction will be provided to

Hope Sentamu Learning Trust through a grant agreement, with the works to be procured and managed by the Trust.  The grant agreement will contain obligations governing the use of the funding to ensure all relevant legal requirements and compliance is achieved, along with claw back provisions for breach of those obligations.



53.  None.

Good health and wellbeing


54.    A travel plan will be developed where students, staff and visitors will be encouraged to use public transport, local cycle routes and walk to the site wherever possible.


Human Resources (HR)

55.    There are no HR implications.


56.    The schemes will maximise pupils’ opportunities, provide support and enable staff to carry out their duties efficiently.  

Crime and Disorder  

57.    There are no crime and disorder implications.  

Information Technology (IT)

58.    There are no IT implications.


59.    Manor CE Academy is leased to the Hope Sentamu Learning Trust Multi Academy Trust for 125 years.



Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Maxine Squire

Assistant Director

Education and Skills


Claire McCormick

Planning and Policy Officers

School Services

01904 554334

Amanda Hatton

Director of Children Education and Communities



Report Approved















Specialist Implications Officer(s) 

Implication i.e. Financial                              Legal

Mike Barugh                                                Cathryn Moore

Principal Accountant                                   Legal Manager

01904 554573.                                            01904 552487



Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all






For further information please contact the author of the report